photo by Brian O'Doherty
Hello lovelies! Over here at CVZ headquarters, we are starting to settle into the New Normal. However, the first week was ROUGH. We went from 100 to 0 in an instant, and suddenly all of those thoughts and fears and worries that had been waiting at the ticket counters of our minds had their numbers called. Today's tune seems pretty appropriate for this scenario. Marcin Jarosewicz of The Polka Dots wrote this song to confront these ideas. "This is a song I wrote in the midst of this pandemic. It's called Turn Me On and it's about growing up and trying to do better. I wrote it on my birthday (April 10th) and I thought it might be an appropriate time to share it, even though sharing music is something that always makes me a bit nervous. The song is about dichotomies and getting stuck in internal debates: 'should I do this or should I not?'; 'is this good or is this bad?' etc. I am learning to free myself from these dilemmas and see the trap of over-thinking situations. In that spirit, I chose to take a leap and share something I'm proud to have created. " We're proud not only to present this song to you but to be able to call Marcin a friend! Enjoy! And if you are able, please buy merch HERE!